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How to Make Good Decision

Hey guys, today we will talk about making good choices. This is a topic that everyone seems to have on lock, but actually, if you think about some of the things you do day by day you will notice that maybe some of them aren't the best decisions for you or others around you. My goal is for you to understand that the choices you make today will affect you in the future and those in your circle. I know you were probably thinking that this blog meant financial decisions and sure that is important but what about the daily or moment by moment decisions we make that are hindrances to our mental, emotional, and spiritual sides.  Psychologist Freud Sigmund argues that every action is stemmed from our childhood.  The way you have raised and your parents and so on, Sigmund argues that our parents' choices of parenting styles cause consequences later on in a person's life that results in them behaving in a certain way. For example, if you were on the bottle for too long or for too short it will cause you to have an "oral fixation"  which is the reason why you smoke,  chew gum, or chew on the pen cap.  Other psychologists argue that theory is factual but only to a certain point, that eventually an individual will have to take responsibility for their actions and choices. 

 Aristotle quote: It is our choice of good or evil that determines our character, not our...

Personally, I believe in both theories, we have to take responsibility for a poor choice and if we don't own up to it how will we ever learn?  So people who smoke cigarettes ( I am not putting yall on blast, it's just an example) they know the potential risk of lung cancer by smoking cigs, but some continue to make the choice to smoke, then get mad when down the road they end up with lung cancer.                        "Our actions will determine our tomorrow."  Whether it's good or bad, they will either push us towards or away from our destiny. Our choices affect our mentality because what our mind is constantly thinking about will result in our choices. If you have a poor mindset and you believe that you're not capable of having a good life or that you're not smart, you will literally block and limit yourself from possibilities that will benefit you... because of your insecurities(emotions) that come from your mindset. 


Decisions decisions decisions... are important because the person you end up with, the job you want, the area you desire to live in, how your children will turn out is all determined by your daily choices. It sounds scary when you think about it but it's true. In order to make good decisions, you have to understand and recognize your bad decisions. Down below I will be defining how to recognize patterns that are causing you to make bad decisions.  When you are about to make a decision think of these 4 things. 
1.  What is the reason  you're making a choice
2. What is your expected outcome?
3. Did that choice make things better or worse?
4. How could you improve your decision-making 
If you're trapped in a repeated cycle of poor choices by habits or relationships the reason why some of you are in a repeated cycle is that the choices you are making are benefiting you in a way that either gives you temporary satisfaction or sabotaging your own happiness.  Okay, I don't think you understand; if you know your "type" is the same dysfunctional partner and you can't seem to understand why you keep picking the same crazy person.... ding ding ding it's because of your choices and what you attract. You have to recognize the pattern, if you want better, change your perspective to receive better. So let's use the same example of the dysfunctional bf/gf. If you want someone who understands your love language and is capable of working with you to a healthy relationship you have to first make sure you are emotionally healthy because otherwise, you are going to keep picking broken people because you are broken yourself. You always have a choice for what is best for your own happiness. 

Life isn't easy and it's a struggle every day to make choices that will benefit our future because quite frankly, we don't have a magic ball that shows us our future. All we can do is truly know ourselves and learn from our mistakes. 

~Mahalia ❤❤

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